Jack’s Receives 2017 Harford Award!
Posted September 20, 2017 by T A 2 CommentsOn September 18th, Jack’s Small Engines was awarded the 2017 Harford County Award in the Manufacturing & Distribution category.

Photo Credit: MidAtlantic Photographic, LLC
The award recognizes businesses and organizations in Harford County, MD who positively contribute to the community’s quality of life. The selection committee felt the success and impact of Jack’s Small Engines, coupled with our strong commitment to the Harford County business community made our company standout among the other candidates.
Jack’s is honored to receive this prestigious award, as it directly reflects our positive company environment, our outstanding and hardworking employees, plus our valuable customers. Great job everyone!
John buffalo
on November 20, 2017 at 12:29 pmGood to know that company’s stiycare about. Their community
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on November 23, 2018 at 5:06 pmExactly right we are tge people we are the future. Working together is not hard to do. Amen
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