2018 – 2019 Winter Outlook: Teeth-Chattering Cold
Posted August 29, 2018 by Jacks Small Engines 3 CommentsThe winter forecast is shaping up to be quite cold for the late 2018-2019 season.
Check out what the Farmer’s Almanac is calling for in your area this upcoming winter season.
U.S. 2018 – 2019 Winter Outlook
- From the Continental Divide east through the Appalachians, colder-than-normal conditions are predicted.
- Above-normal snowfall predicted for Great Lakes, Midwest, New England, Pacific Northwest.
- Frigid weather is expected in mid-February, which may also bring blustery and bitter winds, widespread snow showers, especially in zones 1, 2, and 3.
- Winter will hang on with stormy conditions up through the official start of spring.
- Unusually snowy and/or wet winter across the Pacific Northwest, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic States. Temperatures will around the freezing point so precipitation may either be rain/mix/snow depending on a few degrees.
- Above-normal precipitation is also forecast for the Southwest region during December 2018, and for the Southeast in January and February 2019. The rest of the nation will see closer to normal snowfall amounts.
*Information provided by www.farmersalmanac.com
If you’re in an area that is expecting high precipitation and cold temperatures, be prepared! Stock up on replacement snowblower parts before the next big storm.
John kelsey
on October 10, 2017 at 12:26 pmSnow is better than having your house taking by a wind or flood storms !! I’ll take the snow I’ll still have a place to call home !!
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Joseph Dagwan
on October 11, 2017 at 11:39 amI can’t remember a year that the farmers almanac was true for the northeast,so I’m going with a mild to normal winter for southeast New England.
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Blake Krause
on November 20, 2017 at 12:40 pmGreat reads throw out the year. Thanks for all you do.
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