What Type Of Mulch Are You Using?
Posted July 13, 2017 by Jacks Small EnginesThe best type of mulch is one that fits your needs both functionally and aesthetically, so the answer is not the same for everyone. Every type of mulch has strengths and weaknesses, making it suitable for certain situations. Our list will provide both pros and cons of each type of mulch.
Pine Needles
Pros: Pine needles are naturally acidic as they break down, making them excellent for mulching around plants that prefer acidic soils. During heavy rains they tend to stay put and not wash away.
Cons: It can be a host for certain rodents, occasionally pine needles will contain a lot of sticks, leaves, and other forest trash.
Pine Bark
Pros: Pine Bark is long lasting, when it breaks down it enriches the soil with organic material.
Cons: Heavy rains can cause bark nuggets to float and spread, moving water causes the bark to wash away easily.
Shredded Hardwood
Pros: When it breaks down it provides the soil with organic material, and is less likely to was away. Can hold in water and insulate roots.
Cons: Hardwood mulch can compact over time can can block rain nutrients from reaching the soil.
Coco Bean Hulls
Pros: The mulch is organic and is easy to handle. Since the hulls are roasted the mulch gets sterilized so that its free of weeds and microorganisms.
Cons: You’ll have to replace them consistently since it decomposes quickly. It has a potential harm to pets since it has chocolate byproducts.
Pros: Improves soil structure and nutrient amounts, increases water holding capacity.
Cons: Weeds still have an easier time growing, some compost has herbicides that can harm plants.
Shredded Rubber
Pros: Doesn’t breakdown and can be considered nearly permanent. The color remains stable, and stays put better than nearly every other mulch.
Cons: Has no beneficial organic material for the soil, can also have a disagreeable odor that can persist for a while.
Stone Mulches
Pros: They stay put and don’t break down, it stifles weed growth and holds in moisture.
Cons: Larger sized rocks can make it difficult to add plants and causes increased evaporation of water. Smaller sized rocks can sink into the soil, requiring touch-up applications.
Landscape Fabric
Pros: Creates a barrier between weeds and the upper layers of your garden, essentially blocking out weed growth. Allows air and water to pass through relatively easy.
Cons: Adds no organic material and can drive away earthworms, doesn’t allow for an easy transfer of plants.
Everybody has their preference when it comes to mulch, different types of mulch are needed in different situations. The key is to find the right mulch perfect for your yard.