2016 – 2017 Winter Outlook: Get Your Snow Blower Ready
Posted September 21, 2016 by Jacks Small Engines 1 CommentGet your snow removal equipment ready to go early. Winter officially begins on December 21, but we may be seeing snow as early as mid-November in some parts of the U.S. this year.
Check out what the annual Farmer’s Almanac is saying about the 2016 – 2017 winter season and how you might be affected.
U.S. 2016 – 2017 Winter Outlook
U.S. Forecast from the Farmer’s Almanac.
- Snow and cold weather beginning in the middle of November for the Northeast, Great Lakes, and Midwest regions.
- Extremely cold temperatures are said to begin in February. You may have a few extra months of slightly warmer weather this year.
- Above average precipitation in the Northeast and Southeast. Above average precipitation in the western states. Normal precipitation in the middle of the country.
- February 16-19 is red-flagged for heavy amounts of snow along much of the east coast in parts of Tennessee, North Carolina, the Virginias, Maryland, Delaware, and all the way up to southern New England.
- Very cold weather could reach as far south as Florida, especially in February.
Make sure you’re prepared and equipped for the snowy weather this year. Don’t wait until January to find out if your heat works or not! Remember to visit Snow Blowers at Jack’s for all your snow removal needs.
1 Comment
Peter Jurow
on November 21, 2016 at 7:14 pmGreat info thanks for keeping me in the loop
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