what snow removal equipment should you use

What Snow Removal Equipment Should You Use?

Posted October 15, 2015 by


The trusty ol’ shovel just isn’t cutting it anymore. It’s time for an upgrade.

When it comes to removing snow, you might think of snowblowers and shovels. But did you know that there are different kinds of snowblowers? Plus, there are other options too!

Every kind of equipment has a different application, some are great for driveways, other for gravel, and some for stairs.

Just in case you aren’t sure what kind of equipment will meet your snow-removal needs, check out the information below!

Single Stage Snow Blowers

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Single stage snow blowers are lightweight and compact. They are ideal for flat solid pavement, sidewalks, and decks. The auger comes in contact with the ground so they should not be used on rocks or gravel, unless you want to throw stones and break something!  The wheels are not engine driven, so it requires a small amount of push, but the auger hitting the ground provides some self-propel. This also proves to be a problem on hills and slopes, single stage snowblowers are usually better suited for flat ground. These snowblowers use a single rubber/plastic auger to break up ice and snow and shovel it toward and out of the discharge chute, this is where they get the name “single stage”.


Two Stage Snow Blowers

Ariens Sno-Tek 24 E

Two stage snow blowers are a little heftier than the single stage snow blowers.  The auger does not touch the ground so they can be used on any surface. They also have engine driven wheels, which means they can be used on slopes and hills, whereas a single stage snow blower cannot. Two stage snow blowers can handle heavier snow more often. These snow blowers can typically handle 12+ inches of snow with ease. They are very good for driveways, sidewalks, and large parking lots. Since the auger does not touch the ground, there will be some ice and snow left over on the ground. Two stage snow blowers use an auger to pull the snow in to the chute, and an  impeller or fan to blow it out of the chute, making it a “two stage” snow blower.

Power Shovels

Toro power shovel

Power shovels are the upgraded version of a manual shovel. They  are electric and light weight. Power shovels are ideal for small jobs, such as sidewalks or for clearing a path to get to your car. They are also good for clearing steps, as a snow blower could be kind of difficult to maneuver on them. They can be used for 6” or less of snow.    Power shovels require no maintenance or gasoline, so there is nothing you need to do before storing them for the season! When winter comes again, just plug and go!

Power Brushes

Toro Power Brush

Power brushes are ideal for light dustings of snow. They can handle up to 3” of snow. They are also good for clearing away slushy messes. You can use them to remove the little bit of snow left behind from the two stage snow blowers, or the light covering that blows off of snow drifts. Some power brushes can be used year round to remove grass clippings, sand, leaves, and gravel from paved surfaces. They work similar to a snow blower as far as controls, and they come in a range of widths. So you can choose your ideal width!


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