
2015 – 2016 Winter Outlook: What’s Coming Your Way?

Posted October 15, 2015 by

Get ready for winter! Most of the country is in for another cold one this year!

Be sure to unpack your coats and sweaters, stock up on firewood and get ready for some snow!

U.S. 2015-16 Winter Outlook


U.S. Forecast from Farmer’s Almanac.

  • Normal temperatures for the Central U.S.
  • Texas and other South Central states will experience a cool to cold winter
  • West of the Rockies, South West states and the Colorado Plateau will see milder than normal winter temperatures
  • The North East is in for “Winter Déjà vu” the 23 Eastern states will be in for another bitter cold forecast!

And as for snow….

  • Snowier than normal: Great Lakes, New England, Ohio Valley and the Northern & Central Great Plains
  • Stormy with a decent amount of snow: North East and Mid Atlantic
  • The Farmer’s Almanac is “red flagging” the second weeks of January and February for heavy winter weather in the North East
  • It is also predicted that the winter weather will last us all the way through mid March this year, so prepare for lots of chilly weather!
  • An active storm track will be bringing above normal precipitation to the South East states, Mississippi Valley, Southern Great Plains, Gulf Coast and the Atlantic Seaboard
  • The Rest of the Country will be experiencing normal to below average precipitation

Canada 2015-16 Winter Outlook


Canada Forecast from Farmer’s Almanac.

  • Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Labrador and Newfoundland are in for a repeat of last winter – unseasonably cold.
  • Quebec and the  Maritime Provinces will be dealt a cold and frigid winter this year.
  • To the west, near British Columbia, milder than normal temperatures will be experienced.
  • Yukon, North West Territories and Nunavant are in for near normal winter temperatures.
  • The Eastern cities and provinces are going to be experiencing Winter “Déjà vu” like the Easter U.S. with bitter cold temperatures.

The snow predictions are….

  • Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime Provinces will experience a snowier than normal winter.
  • Prairie Provinces will be receiving above average snowfall.
  • British Columbia will be seeing near to below normal snowfall this year.
  • Yukon, the North West Territories and Nunuvant will be seeing about an average amount of snowfall coming their way this winter.


No matter where you are, if snow is anticipated, be sure to stock up on everything now!

Be sure to get your hands on some of our snow removal equipment so that you are prepared before the snow starts falling!

Stay warm everyone!


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