What Mower is Right For You?
Posted July 31, 2015 by Jacks Small Engines 1 CommentZero Turn, Walk Behind, Riding mower….so many kinds of mowers, and they all accomplish the same task! Cutting your grass.
Since all will get the job done, it should be an easy choice right?
Not so fast, each mower is very different, while they all cut grass, they have features that are specific to each kind of mower, and some of those features may not be right for you!
While the luxury of a zero turn is appealing, and it looks like a lot of fun to drive, if you have a small yard, a zero turn may not be the best option!
This guide will help you determine what mower is the best for your needs!
Walk Behind Mowers
There are 3 kinds of walk behind mowers, gasoline, electric and push.
Gasoline mowers
Gasoline Mowers are powered by gasoline. Because of this, they have the advantage of being able to mow for longer periods and having more power than an electric mower.
Depending on the model, some have a throttle control on the handlebar so that the operator can adjust the speed and others have a fixed engine speed.
A downfall of the gasoline engine is that it requires more maintenance and that it creates pollution.
Electric Mowers
Electric Mowers come in two varieties, corded and cordless. Electric mowers produce much less noise than gasoline mowers, this makes them ideal for neighborhoods where the houses are very close together and you don’t want to bother your neighbors.
Corded mowers are good because they can run for much longer than cordless mowers. However, just like with vacuuming, the cord may tend to get in your way!
Cordless mowers run on a battery, the downfall of the battery is that it doesn’t last as long as a cordless mower so you will probably need to have a few batteries on hand to switch between while the others are re-charging. But, the mowers have the ease of movement like a gas powered mower, not having to worry about a cord makes it much easier to move around your yard as opposed to the corded mowers. Another downfall is the price and limited options. Cordless lawnmowers tend to be a little more pricey and they don’t have as many models to choose from as the corded and gasoline models.
Reel Mowers
When you think of a man-powered mower, you probably think of the old rusty push mowers you see you in your grandparent’s garage. Well, that’s exactly what it is! But, they are much more modern now. There is no pollution, and no noise created from these mowers. Unfortunately, it can be a tough job to use these mowers as it is a lot of work to push the mower around, especially if you have a big yard. If you do in fact have a big yard, this kind of mower is not really recommended.
Mowers you can Ride On
There are quite a few options if you are looking for a mower that involves you sitting down and driving it as opposed to pushing it. These mowers tend to be ideal for lawn care professionals, people who have large yards, or even people who just can’t push a mower anymore and would prefer to drive one. Riding mowers and zero turns have much more power and speed than push mowers. They can mow on some slopes, but there is always the risk of rolling. But having more speed and power also means that you can get the job done faster, which is especially beneficial if you are a commercial mower.
Tractor Pulled Mowers
A lot of tractors, whether they be large farm tractors, or smaller lawn tractors have attachments that you can put on to the back, front, or side of the tractor.
You can get a mower attachment, sometimes it will be a deck, other times it will just attach to the back and you will pull the mower behind you.
Riding Mowers
Riding mowers are exactly what they sound like! They have a deck that is usually mounted underneath, between the front and rear wheels. As you move over the grass, the mower cuts it. Riding mowers have much larger decks than push mowers, allowing you to cover more area in one pass. The mower can also be maneuvered close to trees or fences to get a close cut to the object just as easily as a push mower can, and you don’t have to get off the mower at all!
Zero Turn Mowers
Zero turn mowers got their name because they have a turning radius of a complete circle. Zero turns are the top notch of mowers. They have the most power, speed, and ease of use. The mower is controlled with two levers. It is often said that if you can push a shopping cart, you can drive a zero turn. Because of their decreased cutting time and ease of use, they are very appealing. However, if you have a small yard, it’s probably not worth the price you will have to pay for a zero turn. They are top of the line and usually the most expensive kind of mower on the market. This mower turns in a complete circle, making it very easy to make your lawn perfect and professional!
Now that you know about the different kinds of mowers, you may be wondering which one is the best for you?
Some things you should really take into consideration are:
- The size of your lawn
- Your physical capabilities
- The features of the lawn mower, and which ones are best suited to you
After you have thought about these things, and knowing what you now know about each kind of mower, you should be able to make an educated choice about what kind of mower will best suit your needs.
With proper maintenance, mower’s will last a long time, so be sure you are making the right choice and are happy about it!
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