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Carburetor Rebuild or Replace? – How to Choose

Carburetor Replace or Rebuild

Dirt, bad gas, varnish, and corrosion are popular evils that can clog and wear down the carburetor on your lawn mowers, chainsaws, and other small engine equipment.

If you’ve diagnosed your equipment and found carburetor problems to be the root of your engine troubles, you have two choices – Repair or Rebuild.

Your choice whether to rebuild or replace the carburetor depends on your technical skills, budget, time, and the extent of damage to the carburetor.

Always check the price of a new carburetor. Sometimes, just a few more bucks spent on a new carb assembly can save you the workload of overhauling and cleaning your current carburetor.

Rebuilding the Carb

A carburetor rebuild/overhaul kit contains replacement gaskets and other necessary componenets to rejuvenate your carburetor.

Cost $10 – $60 (Do-It-Yourself)
$70/hr plus $10-$60 in parts (Shop Repair Bill)
Time 1.5 – 2 or more Hours
Difficulty Mechanically Skilled
Task Summary     Remove, Disassemble, Clean, Replace Components, Rebuild, Reinstall

Replacing the Carb

Replace the carburetor if there is extensive corrosion or significant damage that simple cleaning or rebuilding would not fix.

Cost $20 – $200 (Do-It-Yourself)
$70/hr plus $20-$200 in parts (Shop Repair Bill)
Time 30 – 45 minutes
Difficulty Moderate
Task Summary     Remove Old, Install New Carburetor Assembly

*Tip: Locate your equipment’s model number and serial number, plus the carburetor model number (typically stamped onto the carburetor body). You will need this information to find a correct replacement carburetor or rebuild kit for your engine. Locate Your Model Number »

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