Power Review: Husqvarna RZ4623 Zero Turn
Posted July 3, 2013 by T APopular Mechanics recently performed a Tool Test on 6 homeowner zero turn mowers. Comparing likes and dislikes with price, power, and size, the Husqvarna RZ4623 was deemed a “Best Buy” with 4.5 out of 5 stars.
The Husqvarna RZ4623 is a residential-grade zero turn with productivity levels around 2.4 acres/hour. Of the 6 zero turns compared in the Tool Test, Husqvarna’s 46 inch deck and 23hp Kohler engine were the largest among the rest.
So when you combine a wider deck with a more powerful engine to cover more ground, the price comparison definitely puts the RZ4623 at the top of the list.
Here are some more features of the Husqvarna RZ series zero turns in the video below.
A couple other zero turn mowers reviewed in Popular Mechanic’s Tool Test included the Ariens Zoom 42 and the Toro Timecutter SS4235.
Top “Likes” for the Ariens Zoom 42 included the larger discharge chute, the steel foot pedal for the deck lift system, and 4 mower deck wheels. View more Ariens Zoom 42 Features.
Top “Likes” for the Toro Timecutter SS4235 included speed and quality of cut. View more Toro Timecutter SS4235 Features.
So what do you look for in a zero turn? More features or do you simply want to get the most bang for your buck? Feel free to leave a comment below.